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Dr Joseph F. O'Brien has been attempting to surrender a cyber criminal wanted by the FBI and on their Most Wanted List since 2019.​ The Cyber Terrorist has been under duress from Iranian Government since 2019, forced at gunpoint to hack into the U.S financial sector and spread mis-information across social media to prevent Donald J. Trump from being re-elected.


Both today’s radical, far left Democratic Party and the hardliners of the terrorist regime in Iran, view Donald Trump as an existential threat to their respective countries. Accordingly, it appears both the Department of Justice (DOJ), including the FBI and U.S. State Department, are effectively colluding with the IRGC (a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization) to prevent Trump’s return to the White House, by allowing, if not initiating, foreign interference in the upcoming 2024 Presidential election. There is no other reasonable explanation for the FBI and USDS’s refusal to cooperate in the voluntary surrender of one of the chief Iranian cyber architects of that country’s malicious U.S. election interference effort.


The FBI Most Wanted Cyber Criminal, knows of the mullahs plan to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance its successful 2020 online disinformation campaign on social media to polarize American voters; sow discord across the U.S.; seriously disadvantage the Trump’s re-election campaign in order to benefit Biden’s re-election chances, then our Intelligence Community (IC) must certainly know it as well. FBI Headquarters’ and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s utter lack of cooperation and uncharacteristic silence on such a matter of national security issue, speaks volumes. This is very disheartening to patriotic Americans, O’Brien says, who believe in the integrity of our election process.


Once the email is received, Joe will fly to the Middle East and meet "CT" and walk him into the US Embassy chosen in advance. CT will have to escape Iran, by pretending he wants to take a vacation for a week. The Iranian Government holds his passport and he cannot leave without their say so, so its imperative the extraction is done in the dark.


Our Team Is Simply Seeking A Email Requested By The Most Wanted, From The State Department Indicating They Are Interested In The Surrender & His/Her Family Will Not Be Mistreated. 

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